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Gabriella santos PHOTOGRAPHY


March 6, 2017

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Patrick and Heather recently got engaged while on a weekend ski trip to Powder Mountain. The sun was shinning, the ring was gorgeous, and the love between these two was incredible. I felt so honored to be a part of such a special moment. Enjoy! XO Recently engaged? let’s chat about your wedding: [contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” […]

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Life is beautiful, isn’t it? Each year of my life is a milestone, a reminder of how much I’ve grown as an individual and moments I look forward to experiencing in the upcoming years. To wrap my mind around the idea I’m twenty-three today is beautiful, crazy, and hard to believe. Where does this time […]

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The Stein Erikson at Deer Valley Resort is the perfect back drop to any romantic evening. Perren planned a sleigh ride followed by a tear worthy proposal. The snow started to gently fall when they arrived, and the smile on her face says it all.

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Below are my top picks for destinations that I would not only love to travel to, but gift a couple the photography of a beautiful wedding as well. This offer is in exchange for travel + accommodations at your dream wedding location.

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Today you turn twenty, and you have made me the biggest proud sister alive. Your morals, respect, and work ethic are unlike any other. You are my go-to friend, confidant, and supporter. Watching you grow into an amazing young man has been so fun and I wanted to publicly wish you the happiest of birthdays. Another trip around the sun, I hope it’s the best yet.

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A perfect New Year’s eve engagement session covered in snow makes me a happy photographer. Daisy and Ben were in town for the holiday visiting from Elko, Nevada and decided they wanted to shoot at the beautiful International Peace Gardens in Salt Lake City.

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Detail shots during a wedding day are some of my favorites. I typically rent the 100 macro just for this portion of the day (because I have commitment issues and won’t just buy one.)

However, I did find this great little extender pack on Amazon for my 50mm. There are 4 different extension tubes, and they attach to the end of your lens.

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I had envisioned this shoot for a while and it exceeded my expectations.

Georgia is absolutely as beautiful and graceful as they come, and it was an honor to photograph her. Thank you my dear.

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I feel so deeply grateful and humble for this year. 2017 will be amazing, and I can’t wait.

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A perfect southern California December day on the beach. Aly + Jonathan’s love absolutely radiated and their smiles never ended. I wish you both years of love and happiness together, thank you for being so beautiful and in front of my camera.   Now booking 2017 weddings <3 Contact me here to chat! [contact-form to=”gabriella@gabriellasantos.com” subject=”Gabriella […]